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Keeping Moms and Babies Together

At Summit Ministry Center, we treat pregnant women and new mothers with depression, anxiety or other emotional distress, with their babies in a warm, nurturing setting. We urge mons to keeping mothers and babies together during treatment was unique .


Our Approach

Perinatal Mental Health

Our Treatment

A Typical Day


In Our Patients' Words


It's More than the Baby Blues

Every woman faces adjustments when she becomes a mother, but for 10 to 20 percent of women, the emotional and psychological changes brought on by pregnancy and childbirth are more than they can handle alone.

In these cases, women may be depressed or anxious; they may cry easily or wonder if something is wrong with them. It’s more than the baby blues, and can severely impact a family’s life or even endanger the woman and others. Depression, psychosis or anxiety can make it hard for a woman to:

  • Take care of herself, her baby or other children.

  • Bond or engage with her baby.

  • Function at home or at work.


The Day Hospital offers short-term, intensive mental health care for expectant and new mothers in a supportive environment led by a team of professionals with perinatal mental health expertise. The goal is to help patients understand that these negative feelings are not their fault and to give them ways to overcome them.

Although depression and anxiety are the most common reasons women seek help at the Day Hospital, staff can also treat women with obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and other mood disorders.

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