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How to Create A Fundraising Campaign on Orpe-Give Platform


Raise Funds For an Individual Facing Challenges or For a Nonprofit Organization

Facing extreme hardship or losing a loved one because the family could not afford the cost of medical bills or treatments is one of the most distressing and, unfortunately, common experiences people face. A loss of hope can cause paralysis and impair any chance of a quick recovery.  It usually follows by grief and bereavement, sorrow, numbness, and even guilt and hopelessness. At OHRA we've been studying the easiest way people like you could help hopeless people and restore a sense of hope in families or individuals facing suffering during trying times. The division of Restoring Hope of OHRA has developed a free fundraising platform as a tentative response to a growing financial concern of people facing extreme challenges.  This platform is named "Orpe-Give."


To start a fundraising campaign on Orpe-Give you must sign up, observe and accept the Orpe-Give's terms and conditions as stated in the next page. After your cause has been approved, you will be assigned a portal and be able to post your cause on Orpe-Give platform. The portal will permit you to advertise your cause, monitor and see how your campaign is progressing.

Understand that Orpe-Give Program is promoted by Orpe Human Rights Advocates. The program's mission is to help hopeless people facing extreme challenges have a forum or a place where someone can listen to their respective situations, and directly address the world and good-hearted donors about the impact of their suffering.

Give with Confidence

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