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Alcohol Addiction Treamenet

Alcohol Addiction Treatment In Maryland


Alcohol abuse is one of the leading substance abuse problems among adults, as about 8-9% of American adults have some type of problem with alcohol. With alcohol addiction, recovery is a difficult process—especially during detox, which can be life-threatening without proper medical care. Following alcohol addiction recovery, individuals may face continued challenges, since alcohol has a much more prominent presence in daily life than other addictive drugs. Therefore, it is particularly important for individuals struggling with alcohol abuse to seek professional care for their recovery. Tranquility Woods can provide the ideal environment for recovery with a dynamic treatment approach that addresses the needs of each client individually for long-term success. Here is a closer look with the steps involved in treatment at our Maryland facility.


Evaluation and Assessment

Alcoholism is a complex problem that can present unique issues with each individual. To ensure that the proper treatment is planned, Tranquility Woods begins alcohol addiction recovery with a comprehensive evaluation and assessment, which will help to determine the underlying cause of addiction and identify the right measures for recovery.


Whole Person Treatment

Because alcohol abuse is often the result of deeper underlying issues, Tranquility Woods takes a whole-person approach to recovery. Below, you can see the primary components of treatment in our beautifully decorated, comfortable, and discreet facilities.


Counseling – In addition to the 12-step program, clients will have psychological support of one-on-one therapy, family therapy, and dual diagnosis treatment. With this multi-faceted approach, individuals in treatment can gain an understanding of their motivation to abuse alcohol and the measures they might use to minimize the urge to drink.


Spiritual therapies – Non-religious, spiritual ideologies are implemented in recovery to focus the mind and connect individuals with a greater sense of purpose. Activities like meditation and yoga can heighten spiritual awareness without interfering with religious beliefs for a more thoughtful approach.


Physical healing – Therapies such as massage, nutritional therapy, and exercise can ease the discomforts of the healing process by encouraging overall wellness and physical strength. These physical treatments might also promote relaxation to help clients become further dedicated to their recovery.


As you explore alcohol addiction recovery programs in Maryland, connect with Tranquility Woods Luxury Treatment Center. We believe in treating people rather than simply treating addiction, which results in more stable outcomes for every individual.

Recovering from alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction is a complex disease that requires a strong commitment to overcome, along with professional guidance at alcohol rehab centers near Maryland. It isn’t easy to change one’s behavior patterns and mindset. Yet, the dangers of continuing to abuse alcohol are far greater than overcoming the obstacles to positive change. Many alcoholics delay taking the first step toward recovery because they’re waiting for the “right time.” There will never be a better time to start getting one’s life back on track than today and alcohol treatment centers are here to help.


Understanding the need for Recovery

In contrast, the benefits of quitting alcohol are invaluable. However, it’s important to do so safely, particularly for chronic and heavy drinkers. Alcohol withdrawal may sometimes lead to delirium tremens (DT), an emergency medical condition characterized by extreme agitation, hallucinations, severe vomiting, and seizures. At alcohol treatment centers, individuals can detox from alcohol safely in a supervised environment.


Withdrawing from Alcohol Safely

In 12-step programs, addiction specialists often say that the first step toward recovery is recognizing that there is a problem. For many alcoholics, weighing the costs of drinking with the costs of becoming sober is a helpful way to recognize the need to go to alcohol treatment centers. Many people already know some of the health risks of alcoholism, which include an increased risk of cancers, heart disease, liver problems, and stroke, among many others. Some of the other costs of alcoholism include deteriorated relationships with family members and friends, a loss of self-esteem and personal purpose, and interference in job performance, which may lead to job loss.


Focusing on Long-Term Recovery

Once alcohol detox is complete, patients at alcohol treatment centers can begin to focus on their long-term recovery. This requires genuine participation in recovery programs and a deep commitment to sober living. Typically, recovering alcoholics will have intensive group therapy and one-on-one counseling. Complimentary therapies can also be helpful. During counseling, recovering alcoholics will learn alternative ways of coping with stress, new behavior patterns, and a new purpose in life. They will also learn how to remain sober when they’re ready to leave the treatment center and return home.



Alcohol Addiction

If you’re reading this post, chances are that either you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction. Though this is a fatal disease, over 15 million people in the U.S. are battling it with you, yet less than eight percent receive treatment. If you’re part of the eight percent seeking treatment, you’ve already made progress in your recovery. At Tranquility Woods, we approach alcoholism with appropriate medical care, understanding that alcohol withdrawals are potentially life-threatening and need to be treated with the utmost attention. Detoxification from alcohol can be a tenuous process, which is recommended to be undergone in a hospital or hospital-like setting. Tranquility Woods offers this crucial treatment for the suffering alcoholic, providing medical attention, as well as psychological redirecting, both during and after medical treatment has been administered.


For the alcoholic, not drinking is a bizarre concept. By the time of arrival at treatment, the alcoholic has probably developed a strong dependence on alcohol, unable to physically resist the next drink. This can be described as the “phenomenon of craving.” The biological craving is triggered the moment that the first sip, glass, or gulp of alcohol enters the body. This craving can then develop into a compulsion, making it impossible for the alcoholic to resist a drink. When the compulsion takes hold, the alcoholic no longer has the sensible reason to ask for help or seek relief from anything other than another drink. Yet once that drink is taken, the phenomenon is once again triggered, leading the alcoholic to a circular pattern of drinking, reaping negative consequences, and then drinking to avoid the negative consequences produced by alcohol. This pattern, when it reaches a dire level, can only be treated by outside help—medically, psychologically, and spiritually.


OHRA Summit Ministry Center offers a holistic approach to detox, one that not only provides physical relief for each client but also allows the client to be guided and to grow through each stage of treatment. When detoxing, an alcohol-dependent client can expect to experience the following: shakiness, nausea and vomiting, body chills and sweats, headaches, disorientation, and fatigue. Among the more concerning symptoms are hallucinations, detachment from reality (psychosis), seizures, heart attacks, and death. As mentioned, alcoholism is a fatal disease—killing six people daily, due to untreated alcohol poisoning. It demands to be treated medically, especially after excessive, long-term use.


Hesitate before allowing the list of symptoms to become overwhelming—these symptoms, though some life-threatening, are normal for many alcoholics, and can be successfully combated in the right setting. Summit Ministry Center provides that setting for the treatment of alcohol-related maladies, first in the medical sense, then in the emotional and spiritual reconstructing of the client’s mind, a vital part of recovery.


At Summit Ministry Center, clients participate in a holistic treatment program. Activities include acupuncture, cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, equine therapy, yoga, meditation, group and individual counseling, and dual diagnosis treatment, just to name a few. The level and variety of care provided allow the client to reintegrate into a healing and healthy pattern of living. Not only does the client receive psychological treatment, but is also re-engaging in physical activity and emotionally stabilizing therapy, which in tandem provides healing for the body, mind, and spirit of each individual.


What we hope to make apparent is that there is hope for every individual struggling with alcohol dependence and addiction. Many clients have achieved recovery while working with the qualified staff at OHRA Summit Ministry center, regardless of the longevity and intensity of their drinking careers. Feel assured that you or your loved one can achieve the same success and maintain sobriety. Hope and relief are a phone call away.


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