Human Rights Advocates
Health Care System
Integrated Health System
Services for Pregnant & Parenting Women with SUD
Substance Abuse Treatment
Primary Care
HIV & Infectious Disease
Supportive Services
Case Management
Insurance Management Service
Health for Uninsured
Coordinated Social Services
Social Services
Let Us Help
The clinical social workers at OHRA Summit Ministry Center are experienced in women’s mental health and emotional well-being. They know that parenting for the first time, dealing with life stages, coping with OPIOID, or preparing for surgery can all feel overwhelming.
Services include:
Individual and family assessment.
Individual and family therapy.
Educational support and intervention.
Supportive counseling.
Center for Women's Behavioral Health
Your emotional health is just as important as your physical health. As a specialized clinic in medical complication of pregnancy and childbirth, we understand that one in five women suffer from a mood disorder during their pregnancy and postpartum period. Know that you are not alone. Seeking help is the best thing you can do for yourself and your family.
With a staff that includes board-certified psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and clinical nurse specialists, we have the expertise needed to diagnose, treat and manage a wide range of psychiatric conditions before, during and after a woman’s pregnancy.