Human Rights Advocates
Health Care System
Integrated Health System
Services for Pregnant & Parenting Women with SUD
Substance Abuse Treatment
Primary Care
HIV & Infectious Disease
Supportive Services
Case Management
Insurance Management Service
Health for Uninsured
Coordinated Social Services
Our Experience
During the year 2006, OHRA implemented a Project on HIV/AIDs education and prevention funded by the local communities and the Ministry of Health through local District authorities, where 45 Community health Workers were trained.
35 trained in First Aid, in 2008, 20 Nurses First Aid Trained, Home Based Care. 24 Community Based distribution agents trained.
30 Reproductive Health Workers, Pre-nurses and Pre-midwives were trained to deliver and access maternal services to the rural mothers.
60 Peer Educators were trained in life skills and Behavior Change Communication Skills.
3203 Mothers have received Health Care Services since 2009.
5846 Children have completed Immunization Cycles at OHRA.
Over 5000 people have participated in Health Education workshops on prevention of Communicable diseases in 250 sessions.
50 Parents were trained in family health education and family life training skills.